Available in either a B.A. or a B.S. program
Study human behavior and commerce
Guide business and society to ethical successes
The economist studies labor, commerce, enterprise, participation, and exchange and then uses what he or she has learned to make future-oriented, accurate, efficient, and timely decisions on the basis of such environmental scanning.
You’ll be trained in research and arrangement of data, correct analysis and generalization of data, and the application of analytical conclusions to existing business problems.
And since this program is at Franciscan University, your education will include sound ethical formation grounded in the Catholic social justice tradition. From the classroom, where our professors teach with an eye on Catholic social teaching, to the residence hall, to the athletic field, to the missionary field, every activity prepares our graduates for successful careers and faith-filled lives.
Available in either a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science program
Those who pursue the bachelor of arts in economics will take courses that better prepare them for success in graduate programs in economics. Our bachelor of science in economics provides a business-oriented economics education, preparing graduates actually to enter the workforce.
View the Economics Program on the Undergraduate Catalog

“No matter what you end up doing, you can do it more effectively, more ethically, with an economics degree.”Stephen Hepburn initially planned to major in theology and philosophy, but with…
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The student business club aims at developing the Christian life in the world of business. The organization will carry out its mission—the promotion of the free enterprise system alongside Christian moral principles—through Project Bootstraps and other collaborations designed to help local businesses succeed, and with fundraising effort the AIM Pregnancy Center, the Urban Mission, and Just $1 for Africa Campaign.
The Business Advisory Board helps Franciscan University better provide students with the professional competence they need to succeed in the contemporary business world, bringing with them fresh ideas illuminated by Catholic social thought and the Franciscan value of transformational leadership.
Grow, develop, and be formed into a more mature student by spending a semester in Franciscan’s Austrian program. You’ll expand your major in unbelievable ways by traveling to places such as Rome and the holy sites of Christendom, and through courses taught at a 14th-century monastery that also serves as your home.
The Department of Accounting, Business Administration and Economics at Franciscan University of Steubenville has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page.