Department of Nursing

- Master of Science in Nursing, Franciscan University of Steubenville (2014)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honors), Ohio University (2012)
- Diploma in Nursing, Trinity School of Nursing (2004)
- Associates in Business Management, Jefferson Community College (2001)
- Franciscan University, faculty, Clinical Education Coordinator. Skills: Facilitate contracts for clinical sites, maintain clinical compliance, coordinate students in all areas of clinical, orient students to clinical sites, recruit Adjunct Clinical Instructors. (2021-present)
- Franciscan University, Adjunct Clinical Instructor. Resumed employment January 2018. Skills: Clinical instructor for Fundamentals, Med – Surg, and Advanced Med – Surg and assisting in simulation for multiple classes. Coordinating clinical experiences and instructors for Fundamentals, Med – Surg, and Advanced Med – Surg, assisting in recruitment and retention of clinical instructors (August 2019 – present).
- Franciscan University, Adjunct Clinical Instructor. Hired in August of 2013. Skills: Educating senior level nursing students on a local cardiovascular intensive care unit, grading care plans, and reviewing advanced assessment skills. (August 2013-2014)
- Trinity Medical Center West, Same Day Services. Hired as staff RN in September 2012. Skills: Admitting and preparing patients for surgeries and invasive radiologic procedures. Patient education regarding medications, procedures, discharge instructions, and compliance with follow-up care. Administering blood products, routine antibiotics, and maintenance medications for chronic illnesses. Obtaining venous lab draws. Weekly maintenance of invasive vascular access devices. (August 2012-December 2014)
- Work Place Consultants (contracted through FirstEnergy). Hired as an occupational nurse in April 2010. Skills: Provide treatment for minor injuries in occupational clinic; Educate plant safety and occupational hazards; Implement routine and emergent drug screening; Schedule office visits; Assesses incidents and injuries for case management; Works one on one with staff physician to assess, document, and treat plant workers; Maintains office, order supplies, medications, and restock as needed; Maintains charts and patient confidentiality. (May 2010-August 2012)
- Trinity Medical Center West, Intensive Care and Cardio-Vascular Care Units. Hired as ICU/CVU staff RN in January 2005. Skills: Charge Nurse; Orienting and training new hires and senior level nursing students; Rapid Response Team member; Code Team member; CVVHDF Management; IABP Management; Assisting with bedside procedures; IV Sedation and Vasopressor Titration; Ventilator Care Management; RotoProne Therapy Management. Interdisciplinary committees served include electronic documentation, venous thrombosis teaching, and super-user for PYXIS system. (January 2005-August 2012)
- Trinity Medical Center West, certified nursing assistant and ward clerk for medical/surgical department and Cardio-Vascular Intensive Care Unit at TMCW. Skills: Hygiene, ambulation, vital signs, end-of-life care, order entry of physician orders, documentation via Meditech, and scheduling assistance. (July 1999-January 2005)
- State Tested Nursing Assistant at Gable’s Care Center. Skills: Hygiene, ambulation, vital signs, end-of-life care, and scheduling of nursing assistants. (July 1997-July 1999)

Department Faculty
Dr. Amy Myers-Eisnaugle
Dr. Diann Schmitt
Dr. Jacqueline Leonard
Prof. Brian Loot
Dr. Natalie Linn
Dr. Dana Meadows
Prof. Anna Ault
Prof. Michael Rankin
Prof. Kimberley Donnelly
Prof. Ashlee Minto
Dr. Amy Myers-Eisnaugle
Dr. Diann Schmitt
Dr. Jacqueline Leonard
Prof. Brian Loot
Dr. Natalie Linn
Dr. Dana Meadows
Prof. Anna Ault
Prof. Michael Rankin
Prof. Kimberley Donnelly
Prof. Ashlee Minto