Social Work Program

Social Work Program Overview

As a social work major at Franciscan University you will learn how to help men and women help themselves and overcome the obstacles, both personal and environmental, that exert a negative impact on their lives. You will learn how to communicate effectively, build relationships with clients and constituents, and utilize research to support your practice.

Additionally, you will analyze government policies and understand how they aim to assist the vulnerable and at-risk among us. You will also learn to embrace the values that undergird the social work profession and how to effectively and competently serve diverse populations while honoring their dignity.

Franciscan University is committed to the teachings of the Catholic Church. In the course of your studies, you will learn what the Church teaches about human rights, as well as social, environmental, and economic justice, and how these principles can help guide your practice as a professional social worker.

For more information about meeting the educational requirements for licensure in states other than Ohio please see the professional licensure disclosures.

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Alumni Profiles
Beyond the Classroom
Instruments of Peace Club

The Instruments of Peace is a club for Franciscan University of Steubenville Social Work Majors. Students support one another, engage in their interests, and dive deeper into their future careers.

Phi Alpha Honor Society

Join Franciscan University of Steubenville's chapter of Phi Alpha, the national honor society for students, faculty, and practitioners of social work! If invited, you will form important relationships, share in excellent scholarship, and work towards creating a better world.

Austrian Semester Abroad

Grow, develop, and be formed into a more mature student by spending a semester in Franciscan’s Austrian program. You’ll expand your major in unbelievable ways by traveling to places such as Rome and the holy sites of Christendom, and through courses taught at a 14th-century monastery that also serves as your home.

Social Work Accreditation

The Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). For additional information about CSWE, please see For information about bachelor-level social work licensure, please refer to the appropriate state licensing board website for the state in which you intend to pursue licensure.

Social Work Program Faculty
Dr. Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco

Dr. Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco

Associate Professor
Director of Social Work

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Katherine Holler

Prof. Katherine Holler


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Fr. Luke, cropped image

Fr. Luke Robertson


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