Dr. Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco

Dr. Ricardo Chaparro-Pacheco

Associate Professor of Social Work

Director of Social Work Degree Program

[email protected]


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  • PhD in Social Work, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Master of Science, Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity and Culture, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
  • Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours, Social Work, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

Professional Experience

  • Sessional Lecturer, School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia
  • Summer School Coordinator, School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia – Canada
  • Research Assistant, School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia – Canada
  • Research Assistant, Liu Institute for Global Issues, The University of British Columbia – Canada
  • Research Assistant, Group of Historical Memory, National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR) – Colombia
  • Sessional Lecturer, Graduate Program in The Do No Harm Approach in Peacebuilding Practices, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Colombia
  • Social Worker, Diagnostic and Reception Centre, Leake & Watts Services, Inc., Yonkers, NY – United States of America
  • Research Assistant, Program of University Initiatives for Peace and Coexistence, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Colombia

Professional Memberships

  • Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
  • Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE-ACFTS)
  • 2016 – Arts Graduate Research Award, The University of British Columbia, Canada
  • 2013 – Vanier Graduate Canada Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada
  • 2013 – Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF), The University of British Columbia, Canada
  • 2012 – Global Graduate Leadership Fellowship, The University of British Columbia, Canada
  • 2007 – Honors Graduate Scholarship for Graduate Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
  • 2006 – Top National Score, Quality Evaluation Test of Higher Education (ECAES), Ministry of Education, Colombia
Select Publications
  • Chaparro, R. (2016). Ley, Justicia y Transición. Una aproximación psicoanalítica a la justicia transicional y su reciente experiencia en Colombia (Law, Justice and Transition. A psychoanalitic approach to transitional justice and its recent experience in Colombia). Trabajo Social, 18, 45-55.
  • Chaparro, R. (2011). Empire State of Mind. Multiculturalismo y diversidad en el sistema de protección familiar de Nueva York (EE.UU.) (Empire State of Mind. Multiculturalism and diversity in the child protection system of New York (USA)). Trabajo Social, 13, 181-97.
  • Bello, M., & Chaparro, R. (2011). El daño desde el enfoque psicosocial (A psychosocial approach to harms). Training module for the online graduate diploma on The Do No-Harm Approach in Peacebuilding Practices. Bogota: Program of University Initiatives for Peace and Coexistence (PIUPC), Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Full List

  • Bello, M., Chaparro, R., Orjuela, D., & Pulido, B. (2010). Bojayá: la guerra sin límites (Bojaya: the war without limits). Bogota: Group of Historical Memory, Colombian National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR), and Semana Eds.
  • Bello, M., & Chaparro, R. (2011). Programa de iniciativas universitarias para la paz y la convivencia –PIUPC–, 1998-2008. Universidad, violencia política y derechos humanos. (Program of university initiatives for peace and coexistence –PIUPC–, 1998-2008. Academy, political violence and Human Rights). In Niño, B. (ed.), Extensión, docencia, investigación: contextos, procesos, reflexiones y perspectivas (pp. 141-75). Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • Chaparro, R. (2011). El daño desde el Enfoque Psicosocial Crítico. Apuntes para una propuesta en torno a las perspectivas de Acción Sin Daño y Construcción de Paz. (A critical psychosocial approach to harms. A proposal around the Do No-Harm and Peacebuilding approaches). In Bello, M., & Vásquez, O. (comps.): Acción Sin Daño. Reflexiones para el contexto colombiano (pp. 181-209). Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (COSUDE), and The German Technical Agency for Cooperation (gtz).
  • Booklet – Riaño, P., & Chaparro, R. (Comps.) (2016). El Oficio de Cantar Memoria. Las Musas de Pogue. (A Memory-Singing Trade. The muses of Pogue). Compilation of songs, alabaos & compositions by the group of cantadoras of Pogue (Choco, Colombia). Research product: The workings of memory in contexts of crisis, from the School of Social Work of The University of British Columbia. With the support of the Major Community Council of the Integral Rural Association of Atrato (COCOMACIA), and the Colombia’s National Center of Historical Memory.
  • Article – Chaparro, R., & Pinto, D. (2015, April). A historical approach to Social Work’s responses to the Colombian armed conflict context. In: Social Dialogue, 10, pp. 50-9. Magazine of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW). Recovered from: http://data.axmag.com/data/201504/20150430/U114409_F335827/index.html?page=52
  • Documentary – Durán, J. (Producer). (2010). Bojayá: la guerra sin límites. (Bojaya: The war without limits). Direction: Durán, J. Screenwriters: Durán, J., Bello, M., Chaparro, R., Orjuela, C., & Pulido, B. Recovered from: https://youtu.be/ZRsV8mwWA_w
Department Faculty