The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has eight annual reporting measures which are used to provide information to the public on both program outcome and program impact. Below is a list of the CAEP measures with links to data tables that provide supporting evidence for each measure:


MEASURE 1: Impact on P-12 learning and development

Two primary measures are employed to assess completer impact on PK-12 learning and development: the RESA/alumni survey administered by the state and a newly created principal and superintendent survey administered to our school partners in an effort to gauge completer impact on P-12 leaning and administrator effectiveness. The data from the latter two surveys will not be available until May 2020, so it will have to be included in next year’s annual report. The alumni that completed the RESA/alumni survey agreed or strongly agreed that they were prepared in 48 of the 49 areas evaluated in the RESA survey. There was only one area in which they did not feel well-prepared; this area concerned their knowledge of the value-added growth measure as defined by the Ohio State Board of Education. Consequently, instruction on this topic was imbedded into the candidates’ student teaching seminar.


MEASURE 2: Indicators of teaching effectiveness

The above mentioned principal survey will be one means of gauging the teaching effectiveness of completers. Another means of gauging teaching effectiveness is candidate’s performance on the edTPA. This nationally scored portfolio assessment measures a candidate’s ability to successfully plan, instruct, and assess the effectiveness of his or her instruction. While this rigorous assessment is not mandated for licensure in Ohio, many of our completers move to states requiring this assessment. Ohio recognizes a score of 37 on the edTPA as passing. This translates to a 2.47 rubric average. An analysis of our rubric averages for all licensure levels (see Three-year edTPA scores) revealed that Secondary Math, Secondary Science, and Early Childhood scores were hovering right around the passing threshold and needed to be strengthened. To help students improve in these areas, more scrupulous attention to each rubric was devoted during class time in EDU405 to ensure that candidates were understanding what the rubrics were asking them to produce. As a result of these adjustments, the candidates in these licensure areas improved their edTPA performance in the 2018-2019 academic year. In fact, all but one licensure area (AYA History, which had only one candidate) scored between 41.6 and 55, which translates to an average of 2.8-3.7 on each rubric. Overall, the edTPA average score for the 2018-2019 academic year was 43.25, which is deemed well above passing in all states requiring edTPA.


MEASURE 3: Results of employer surveys, including retention and employment milestones

Satisfaction of employers was gauged at the initial level through the administration of a principal survey sent to 19 of our school partners. This satisfaction survey was aligned to CAEP, InTASC and Ohio Teaching Standards. It was likewise aligned to the same competencies assessed in the alumni satisfaction survey sent to the 2019 graduates. This alignment allowed for data comparison and triangulation. 32% of the principals completed the satisfaction survey. All of the principals indicated that they were satisfied with the FUS alumni teachers’ preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with PK-12 students. In 16 of the 18 competencies addressed, the vast majority of principals rated the alumni teachers as on target or above. There were just two areas where the principals indicated that some of the alumni teachers were still developing. These two areas correlated with the alumni teachers’ own self-assessment and pertain to the following two competencies: co-teaching lessons with the special education or other professionals in a manner that enhances student learning and providing multiple opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment of learning. The principals’ survey responses, as well as a comparison between their responses and that of the alumni teachers can be viewed here.


MEASURE 4: Completer Satisfaction

Satisfaction of undergraduate, initial licensure completers was gauged through a newly created Initial Licensure Alumni Survey, which the 2019 graduates were invited to complete. The response rate for this survey was 40% and the results demonstrated that the education program has many strengths, as 92-100% of the survey completers indicated that they are on target or accomplished when it comes to the following:

  • Design and plan instruction aligned to state standards.
  • Use clear and correct written and verbal language that communicates content in a manner appropriate for students.
  • Use a variety of instructional strategies that actively engage students and meet diverse needs.
  • Use classroom space and materials effectively for the lesson and learners.
  • Create a classroom environment that is both emotionally and physically safe by treating all students with respect and concern.
  • Use technology in a manner that facilitates or enhances student learning.
  • Reflect on and evaluate teaching and student learning.
  • Display professionalism and appropriate dispositions for teaching children.

A few areas of improvement were also noted, with 30% of the respondents indicating that they were just developing in the following areas:

  • Co-teach lessons with the special educator or other professionals in a manner that enhances student learning.
  • Provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in self-assessment of learning.
  • Provide opportunities and guidance for students to consider lesson content from multiple and relevant perspectives.

A similar survey for completers of the advanced programs was also developed and sent to the 2019 completers of advanced programs (see Graduate Education Satisfaction Survey). The response rate for this survey was approximately 17%. The results revealed that the completers were 100% on target or accomplished in every competency evaluated, based on the preparation they received in the graduate education program.


MEASURE 5: Graduation Rates

The graduation rate for education majors was analyzed by the office of institutional research for both undergraduates and graduates. The following points were observed at the undergraduate level:

  • For students who start at Franciscan as an Education major, over the past five years on average, 42% graduate in four years with an Education degree. The five year rate is 44% and the six year rate is 46%.
  • For students who start at Franciscan as an Education major, over the past five years on average, 63% graduate in four years with a four-year degree (this includes those who complete an Education degree). The five year rate is 68% and the six year rate is 70%.
  • For students who start at Franciscan regardless of their starting major, over the past five years on average, 48% graduate in four years with an Education degree. The five year rate is 54% and the six year rate is 56%.
  • While only 46% of students who enroll at Franciscan as an Education major actually graduate with an Education degree in six years, an additional 24% change their major and still graduate from Franciscan in six years. (However, this is 8% less than the average new FUS first-year student).

For advanced program candidates, the following trends were observed:

  • a steady increase in enrollments from 2015 to 2017,
  • a 30% 2 year graduation rate and an average 39% graduation rate from 2.5 years to 3.5 years,
  • a 4 year graduation rate of 47%, and
  • a 4.5 year graduation rate of 53%.

(see Undergraduate and Graduate Education Graduation Rates)


MEASURE 6: Ability of completers to be hired in education positions

The initial level candidates’ OAE scores demonstrate their ability to meet licensing requirements. Among all of the 15 tests taken by initial licensure completers during the 2018-2019 academic year, all but two had 100% Best Attempt pass rates. Only the Elementary Subtest 2 and the Foundations of Reading Test had pass rates below 85%. Since these rates were also below 85% for these same two tests in 2017-2018, we will examine the content of these two tests with greater scrutiny to make sure we are more adequately preparing candidates for these tests.

The advanced level candidates demonstrated a best attempt pass rate of 100%. Fulfillment of this benchmark shows that the advanced level candidates are completely able to meet licensing requirements.

(see Initial and Advanced Program OAE Pass Rates 2018-2019).


MEASURE 7: Ability of completers to be hired in education positions

In the newly administered alumni survey for initial licensure program completers, 93% of the survey respondents indicated that they are currently employed as a teacher.


MEASURE 8: Student loan default rate

The student loan default rate for education completers (undergrad and grad) for the past three years is as follows:

  • 2016-2017 – 8.16%
  • 2017-2018 – 4.08%
  • 2018-2019 – 5.56%

All of this data is shared with the education department and the Board of Trustees.
