The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has four annual reporting measures, which are used to provide the public with information on program outcomes and impact. Below is a list of the CAEP measures, with links to information and data tables that provide supporting evidence for each measure.


Measure 1: Completer Effectiveness

Two primary measures are used to gauge initial licensure completer impact on PK-12 student learning growth and completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions: 1) Value-Added Ohio Student Growth data and 2) Ohio Teacher Evaluation Systems (OTES) data. The annual Value-Added Student Growth Data, which assesses student learning growth, shows that the majority of our alumni teachers’ students are meeting expected performance. The OTES Data, though somewhat limited due to low sample size, demonstrates that most of our alumni teachers have achieved a rating of skilled/proficient.

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers & Stakeholder Involvement

Completer and employer feedback is solicited annually through an Education Preparation Program (EPP)-created survey. The Completer Satisfaction Survey Data shows that 79% – 100% of licensure completers agree to strongly agree that Franciscan’s EPP has prepared them with the key knowledge, pedagogical skills, and professional dispositions needed to effectively execute their jobs in every standard-aligned competency in which they were queried. The Employer Satisfaction Survey Data shows that 83% to 100% of employers agree to strongly agree that our completers are well-prepared to execute their tasks in each of one of the standards-aligned competencies in which they were queried. We also meet annually with our advisory board to solicit recommendations, as well as survey our cooperating teachers to gauge their perceptions on our EPP’s effectiveness. According to recent survey input, our cooperating teachers perceive our candidates to demonstrate strength in content knowledge, preparation, and time and classroom management.


Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Completion

Two measures are used to determine if initial-licensure candidates are meeting program expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure. These measures include OAE licensure exam data and edTPA data. in 2023-2024, our initial licensure exam pass rate was 100% and our candidates average best attempt score was higher than the state average on every exam. Our edTPA pass rate for 2023-2024 was 92%, with an overall average candidate score of 42, which closely aligns with the state and national averages. Disaggregated OAE and edTPA annual data are available at the above link.

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to Be Hired (In Positions for Which They Have Prepared)

Our recent Completer Satisfaction Survey Data demonstrates that of the responding alumni teachers (39% response rate), 100% of them are employed in positions for which they were prepared.
