Annie Norton ’15


Annie Norton began her nursing career in post ambulatory surgery care. In 2020, when pregnant with her third child, she quit nursing and became certified to teach Marquette natural family planning. In 2022 Norton started her own natural family planning coaching business, Simply NFP, which she currently runs with a fellow Franciscan alum. They recently began giving presentations at parishes about general women’s health topics.

Norton stated that Franciscan’s dedication to always teaching the truth gave her a solid foundation when entering the workforce. Not only did Franciscan teach her truth, but also prepared her to share that truth with other people, even when she experiences pushback from the culture.

Norton said that a healthy prayer life and frequent reception of the sacraments set her up for success and allowed her to respond to God’s call. She also stressed the importance of a relationship with God above all else, including career and relationships with others. She said, “If you get that right, everything else will go the best it possibly can.”

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