Sight Recognition

DataSTARS with Franciscan University of Steubenville

Word Automaticity

Word Automaticity is known as a student’s example of effortless, accurate, and fast word recognition. When trying to achieve Word Recognition, repetition is the key to success.


Learning Tasks:

  • Use a visual or graphic to describe the benefits of focusing on this strategy while teaching.
  • What would you do if you wanted to implement this strategy with fidelity in your teaching?


Discussion Questions:

  • How would you describe Word Automaticity to a parent or caregiver?
  • What would you say to an administrator who does not see the value in focusing on Word Automaticity in your lessons or activities you plan for your students?

Six Types of Syllables

Explicitly teaching the various types of syllables allows the student to gain awareness of the phonemes and syllables they must know to be skilled readers.  This experience helps students to improve their decoding skills, understand new vocabulary, and become a more fluent reader; thus increasing comprehension of text.


Learning Tasks:

  • Practice separating the following words by syllables: apprehension, sometimes, build. Are they one, two, three, or four syllable words?
  • Reflect on the explicit skills you are teaching your students by dividing words into their morphological structure, including phonemes, vowels, and syllables.
  • r/e/d = this word consists of three phonemes, one initial consonant, CVC pattern, short /e/, and one syllable.      r/e/d = a color sounds the same as r/ea/d = a verb. Work with students to practice all of these tasks with several words per day to expose them to similar and different words.


Discussion Questions:

  • What changes would you make to this strategy to improve it?
  • What parts of this strategy were especially helpful for your students?
  • How could this strategy be implemented into different content areas?
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